Pokemon GO: Can You Join Team GO Rocket? How?

Having Team GO Rocket as a 4th Team sounds alluring. If you are someone who has grown up watching Pokemon on their box TV, you might remember that Team Rocket is evil, but they are not like any typical villain. And let us be honest black PokéStops and Gyms would look way better than those other colors. Even their costumes look so stylish. And let’s not forget the part they have Shadow Pokemons. But disheartened, at present, there are no ways to join Team GO Rocket or choose Giovanni as your Team leader. Some other Pokemon games allow you to join Team Rocket but not this.

Best Team GO Rocket Pokemons

Dragon Type: Flygon, Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite. Grass Type: Bayleef, Chikorita, Meganium, Cacturne, and Cacnea. Fire Type: Quilava, Numel, Ninetales, Typhlosion, and Camerupt. Water Type: Wailmer, Wailord, Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr. Flying Type: Natu, Ducklett, Starly, Golbat, Gyarados, and Crobat. Bug Type: Beedrill, Weedle, Pinsir, Forretress, and Scizor. Psychic Type: Metang, Girafarig and Ralts. Ghost Type: Banette, Dusclops, and Golett. Ice Type: Snover, Sandslash, Swinub, and Cloyster. Fighting Type: Hitmonlee and Machamp. Poison Type: Nidorina, Muk, and Weezing. Ground Type: Hippopotas, Golem, and Hippowdon. Rock Type: Anorith, Sudowoodo, and Onix. Electric Type: Luxray, Electabuzz, and Voltorb. Fairy Type: Kirlia, Granbull, and Snubbull. Dark Type: Cacturne, Stunky, and Honchkrow.

Hopefully, your question, can you join Team GO Rocket and how got answered. So, check out how to join a team and how to join a Public Raid.