Smite Season 8 Tier List – November 2022

Out Smite Season 8 tier list has divided all the Gods available in the game into six tiers — SS, S, A, B, C, and D with SS being the strongest and D being the weakest. Here are all the Gods in Smite season 8 ranked tier-wise.

SS Tier Gods In Smite

Odin Kukulkan Yemoja Tsukuyomi Cthulhu Thor Tyr

S Tier Gods In Smite

Bastet Heimdallr Olorun King Arthur Agni Aranche Cabrakan Discordia Da Ji Ares

A Tier Gods In Smite

Artio Chiron Baron Samedi Chang’e Cerberus Cu Chulainn Ganesha Erlang Shen Fenrir Hou Yi Geb Hercules Kuzenbo Janus Kumbhakarna Persephone Pele Ne Zha Terra Rama Ravana Thoth Xbalanque Vamana Vulcan Zhong Kui Zeus Cupid Chronos

B Tier Gods In Smite

Aphrodite Achilles Anhur Chernobog Bellona Cernunnos Hachiman Chronos Cupid He Bo Hachiman Izanami Horus Hun Batz Mercury Khepri Medusa Ra Nemesis Neith Sobek Scylla Serqet Sylvanus Sol Sun Wukong The Morrigan Ymir Thanatos Xing Tian

D Tier Gods In Smite

Artemis Amaterasu Apollo Camazotz Awilix Bacchus Guan Yu Chaac Fafnir Kali Hades Jormungandr Set Nox Nu Wa Skadi Hel Nike

D Tier Gods In Smite

Anubis Ah Muzen Cab Poseidon Osiris Loki Arachne Cabrakan

This was the full Tier list ranking all the Gods you can get in Smite Season 8. We would recommend players to stick to God’s from tier A or above. God’s in Tier B,C, and D are good but to get the best out of the player’s timing should be great. That’s all for this one, do check out our Dragalia Lost Tier list to get the best characters in the game.