Why Are Some Players Unable To Type In Among Us?

There are two reasons that players might be unable to type in Among Us. We will explain both these reasons as well as how players can fix them. So, without further delay let us take a look.

Guest Login

Players that haven’t signed in and are using Guest Login for Among Us will not be able to type in the game. This action has been taken by the developers to control the rising levels of toxicity in the Among Us chat rooms. Now, players that wish to type in the chat will need to log in for the feature to work. While this might be a little inconvenient for players that just want to dive into the game, it is a good move to maintain a healthy environment within the game. Any person found indulging in harassment or abusive speech in the chat can now have their IDs banned from the game.


Login to Among us.

Age Limit

Players below the age of 18 can no longer type in the chat in Among Us. Much like the Guest Login, this move has also been taken due to the toxicity in the chat rooms. With cyber bullying and trolling on a rampant rise in the game, the Among Us developers have made this decision to protect their younger players.


The only fix here is input the age over 18 when asked for it in the game. Otherwise, the type feature will be locked for use. In case players want to re-enter their age, they will need to uninstall Among Us. Upon reinstallation, they will be asked for their age. Players under the age of 18 will still have the option for Quick Chat available to them. This is a chat system where players can chat with their teammates through a series of pre-existing responses.

That is all there is to know about why some players can’t type in Among Us and how to fix it. For more Among Us content, see List Of All The Colors Available For Players In Among Us